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The cricket star talks about launching her own perfume with Waseem Badami - Hemani.

Being one of the heros of the country how does it feel to launch your own perfume?

It feels very proud to launch my own perfume, it feels great to be able to gift it to other people and it feels really nice to be the first athlete in Pakistan to have their own perfume brand. I think it’s a recognition not only for me but for other athletes, it gives a message to the world that the brands are now supporting the Pakistani female athletes. The message needs to be louder and the world should know that our Pakistani brands are collaborating with us female athletes too.

Give us some insight about this fragrance. How did you think of this fragrance? What inputs you had in the development of the perfume?

The development process of the perfume, some I didn’t like, some didn’t match with my personality. I shared the samples with my family and close friends, people who know me very well, they helped me select the fragrance and we chose ‘Jasmine’ as the base. We didn’t want a synthetic scent, neither a fruity one so we picked Jasmine as it is also our national flower.

In Pakistan, people normally go for brands outside Pakistan when they look to buy their perfume. Does your perfume match the quality compared to other branded perfumes?

Yes the quality is great! Whoever I’ve gifted the perfume to really likes it. Its definitely world class quality and I enjoy wearing it and presenting it to people.

What inspired you to step into the world of fragrance while being active in Cricket?

The display of support from the Pakistani community to the athletes is why I chose to collaborate with Hemani. I want this to be an opportunity for other brands to recognize female athletes from Pakistan. Perfume is something that everyone uses and is something that is in the range of the Pakistani population so that is why I chose to step into the world of fragrance.

Name someone who you look up to who is not a cricketer.

I look up to a lot of people, my parents, mentors and my friends, people who are not cricketers but are great human beings who try to be better every single day.

Is there a pre-match ritual you follow?

I always start my day with prayer so that is the ritual that I follow.

What advice would you give to aspiring cricketers?

To aspiring cricketers, I would ask them to work hard and learn about the game as much as they can while playing it.

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