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In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A..

In this time of social distancing, Team Edition presents the Quarantine Diary! We speak to some of our favourite A listers weekly and give you an update of how they are making it through this time!

This week we spoke to model, Fatima Hasan:

What is one thing you make sure to do every day?

Practice gratitude!

Have you learnt a new talent or reverted to something you used to do but didn't have time to do which you're loving?

I've started experimenting in the kitchen, and I quite enjoy it. It's something I never thought I'd do. I'm also reading again which is something I hope to consciously make time for post quarantine!

How are you balancing WFH vs being present for family?

Ask my husband that. He's always working

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