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From his aesthetic Instagram to his growing body of work as a stylist, Obaid is a rising star to watch out for.

Obaid Atique is a quietly rising name in fashion. And it has more to do with him than anything else. His own personal style, coupled with his eye for detail, he is now foraying into styling others. While his day job is that of a publicist and fashion writer, there is much more to Obaid than meets the eye.

What is your creative 'super' power?

Well, I don't believe in 'super' power as such; it's your passion that makes you creative and keeps you on your toes. I am a keen observer, and I do research a lot, and both of these traits help me do better in my field. Either it's a shoot or if I have to write about any story.

And what feeds your creativity?

Hunger to do more and be the best version of myself. I love criticism that pushes you to break the barriers and make you shine like anything.

Do you feel like pursuing (your creative field) might not be able to give you the kind of financial freedom you want? 

Of course, you don't have a more significant financial canvas when it comes to art/passion/dreams. You need to make some choices between art and commercialism so you can survive and do more what you like the most.

What drives you to pursue a career that's more passionate and often difficult to explain in terms of 'what do you do for a living'?

It's always hard. I always listen to my heart and follow my intuition. The driving force behind my passion is the vision I have for myself - 'I want people to know my work instead of my name'. For that, if I have to burn the bridges; I will do that over time.

What are you listening to/watching/reading right now?

I have just completed watching Elite on Netflix recently. It's one of those guilty pleasures, hahaha. I love their aesthetics when it comes to their characters, all the glam and fashion. These days, I am hooked to Ali Sethi's, 'Rang'!

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