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NGL, it is getting harder and harder to make ends meet but you can still cut corners

Last night as I filled up the car tank for amost Rs 9,000, it really hit me. We are literally buried under the pressure of rising costs. Not only is it getting harder to mae ends meet, but savings have taken a major hit too. But there are some simple measures we can a take in our day to day lifestyle that can take some of the sting off this economic apocalpyse.

Recycle and Upcycle Your Wardrobe

When the lawn brands won't stop bombarding our senses with goregous chikanari outfits and what not, it is but normal to covet such possiby unnecessary luxuries. But that does not mean that you give you on new cothes entirely. Open up that closet and take out everything that doesnt fit. Think of how you can use the fabric as an accent on the fabric you bought from the local market. Rescue those expensive buttons and laces. And never get rid of the dupattas! You can make shirts out of them or get a solid colored outfit to go with it. Better yet, have a clothes exchanges with your sisters or cousins!

How cool are these upcycled denim jackets?

Watch What's Cooking

More often than not, we tend to cook alot more than the family can finish at one time. And this is not always a bad thing. Cooking in batches can help save up on gas and electricity consumption and will minimize your kitchen time in the summer. There has aso never been a better time to get heathier. Use minimal cooking oil, and rely on the natural fats of the protein and vegetabes that you are cooking. And what you have is a deicious heathy meal for the family. It goes without saying that eating out shoud be limited but we a do need a treat every now and then. Opt for local spots that serve great food at a bargain!

Ordering in bulk from a home kitchen can aso be a clever move.

Car Pools and WFH

Not ony is car pooling great for the environment, it is also great for the fuel bill. With schools about to open up, organize a small group that you can drive one way and someone else can drive the other way. And rotate shifts every wee between parents and guardians. There's also no reason why we can't do that about our work places. Got a colleague who lives near by? Each of you can decide who's car will be hitting the road each week. Imagine the savings! Encourage your wor pace to allow some days that are designated as work from home days. This will result in savings for both the empoylees and the company. In fact, neighbouring Sri Lanka is in such a terribe crisis that it was recommended that everyone wor from home. And the Netherands is about to make the right to work from home available to all those in jobs where it is possibe to do so.

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