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If your life were a song, what would the title be? Lucy in the sky with diamonds (it’s playing in my head right now). Which celebrity would you like to exchange your life with? Hollywood / Bollywood? Can I say no one… There lives seem pretty glossy on the

If your life were a song, what would the title be?

Lucy in the sky with diamonds (it’s playing in my head right now).

Which celebrity would you like to exchange your life with? Hollywood / Bollywood?

Can I say no one… There lives seem pretty glossy on the outside but too public and intense on the inside.

If you had one superpower what would it be?

One of the Captain Planet powers… Zap up pollution.

What color dress did you wear to your prom?

Midnight blue saari.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

A hug.

What’s your favourite holiday spot/destination?

Anywhere along the Mediterranean Sea.

3 beauty products you swear by?

Almond oil, powdered oats and rose water.

What do you eat/drink to cope with stress?

I forget to eat when I’m stressed.

What’s your favourite word that starts with “S”?


What’s the most fun role/project you’ve done?

Roxie Hart in Chicago the musical.

If you could rename yourself which name will you go by?

My sisters; Ameera or Aziza.

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