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  I didn’t plan on becoming a model, it was all very sudden which eventually turned out to be a great experience. What are the challenges you face in your modelling career? Well it’s a part of life, you have to face challenges to do great things, one thin


I didn’t plan on becoming a model, it was all very sudden which eventually turned out to be a great experience.

What are the challenges you face in your modelling career?

Well it’s a part of life, you have to face challenges to do great things, one thing that particularly sticks out is that the people in this industry are so partial.


How do you manage your schedule?

Sometimes the schedules are really hectic, but you have to manage somehow if you want to make it big. I always keep myself ready for any work related appointments.


What’s your fitness secret regime?

My fitness secret is swimming; I love to swim like a fish.


What are the 5 qualities which every model should have before entering in this profession?

Confidence, patience, physically and mentally strong, last but not least a smiley face.

What’s beauty according to you?

Beauty is subjective, it’s a combination of many qualities.


Who is your favourite local model? Who do you look up to?

To be very honest, I admire Nadia Hussain.


What are your upcoming plans?

I have couple of movies in my future plan.

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