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He’s no stranger to man, woman or child – his acting skills paired with his good looks are unforgettable. We give you…. drumroll Ahsan Khan. We have been following his talk show, Bol Nights very closely because we miss him in dramas and thought to sit a

He’s no stranger to man, woman or child – his acting skills paired with his good looks are unforgettable. We give you…. *drumroll* Ahsan Khan.

We have been following his talk show, Bol Nights very closely because we miss him in dramas and thought to sit and ask him questions that must be on everyone’s minds’ right now!

How did the idea of Bol nights come around?

A few channels kept approaching me for a show after doing ramadan transmissions for 5  years and may have spotted a host in me as I had also been doing the knorr show. Some wanted game shows and morning shows. I didn’t want to do anything I don’t like watching myself or think are decent enough (not that anyone who does them aren’t decent enough but in how the producers and directors want things a certain way which I may not agree with) but Bol and I reached a mutual agreement on how we wanted this show to go in where I can be myself completely and keep the fun and entertainment there while interviewing my colleagues and friends in the industry.

Do you prefer being a talk show host to being an actor?

This is a difficult question because I enjoy hosting a lot! But acting satisfies me so much as well – whether its theatre, TV or film. I’ve been taking less projects because I feel like I should do what brings me satisfaction and not do random things. Our industry is flourishing with great scripts and directors and of course co workers so its a whole different level of passion which i love!

What message do you want to send across with your show?

There’s no message as such but I believe that all the artists, musicians, actors etc who come on my show, have personal lives and live normal lives so it’s nice to see that side. The show isn’t made up of a bubble that we live in – we see a different more real life human side of them. I want to entertain the audience but also inform them and prove to them that celebrities are also human and there are candid, sad and happy moments in it!

Which interviews have been your most and least favourite?

Every interview has been interesting for me! There’s been 50 shows now and not even one has been my least favourite. Honestly!

Do you feel Bol should be humorous or take a serious nature or does that happen with the subject of your interview?

Well because the format is set from before, there’s no script. I decide those on the spot – there’s no pre preparation so it’s a candid conversation I believe, not even an interview and that may move to something serious or comical which could be about social issues, depression, divorce, mental health issues or singing and dance moments or very funny moments. It takes a path of its own.

Who would you like to have on the show who hasn’t been on it yet?

In Pakistan there are artists which aren’t celebrated – by this I don’t mean actors only. I mean painters, classical singers and dancer, newer singers, sportsmen who are champions in swimming etc and are so less celebrated. I would like to interview the Pakistani community that deserve to be celebrated and don’t have that highlight on them.

 If you had the chance to interview ANYONE, dead or alive, who would it be?

Muhammad Ali Jinnah!

Related ItemsActorAhsan Khanbol nightsfeaturedHosttalk show

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