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We read the author's latest series - the story of a detective.

Jeffrey Archer is arguably the greatest fiction writer of our generation.

Many of his works such as “Kane and Abel” or “As the Crow Flies” have lasting effects on readers. He has an enviable talent in getting his readers immersed in his multiple story lines and heavily detailed characters in almost everything he writes.

Archer’s latest series follows the life of detective William Warwick but the series is positioned not as a detective story but the story of a detective. The first three installments of the series have been released with the fourth coming soon. “Nothing Ventured” is the first of the installments and boasts themes of crime, humor, family and love. The chronicles of detective Warwick allow us to delve into his family life and Archer does wonders in painting an image of the life of a young man joining the metropolitan police force in London.

The book presents readers with likeable and relatable characters and Archer does a masterful job in depicting to the readers the struggles of balancing the work of a policeman with his family and love life. The book is a fun light read but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to put down. The end of each chapter will always have you racing to start the next one to see how the plot will develop. In the character of Miles Faulkner, Archer gives the readers an antagonist who you steals every page he is put on. His witty remarks and charm are exactly what we love to see in a villain.

The second installment in the series “Hidden in Plain Sight” continues with the same light tone set by the first book and picks up right where the last book left off. I don’t wish to give anything away so all I’ll say about the second installment is that it drives the story forward in a very interesting way, exhibits brilliant character development and introduces even more interesting characters, whom readers can’t get enough of.

Jeffery Archer is a brilliant story teller and is fantastic when it comes to breathing life into fictional characters. I would highly recommend this series if you haven’t read any of his previous books as it gives you a perfect taste of Archer’s style of writing. Even if you’re not a book worm but are looking to get yourself into the habit of reading, this series is perfect because it is fast paced and the story is constantly moving forward, plus they aren’t that long either.

To sum it up, if you’re looking for a light read that explores interesting plot lines and even some extremely unexpected twists, light and hearty characters and some humor as well, you should definitely give this series a try.

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