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In this 'Sparks of Joy' series, Maliha Rao guides us to more wholesome living.

Skincare is important, but it doesn't have to be difficult. Confusion is understandable given the frequent launch of various brands and products as well as the encouragement to utilise a variety of items by your favourite celebrities or influencers.

We'll reveal the facts. For your skincare routine, only a few simple items are required. People will boast about how they stick to the life-changing 11-step method. You don't really need it. Simply be aware of the requirements for your skin type, weather, age, and budget. Each skincare regimen is unique, so never compare.


Your skin is exposed to a lot from dawn to night. In addition to other things, there is dust and ultraviolet light. This is a good reason to properly cleanse your face, especially before night. Make use of a mild cleanser. Change your face wash if your skin feels inflamed or tight. One common myth is that a tight feeling on the face after washing indicates that it is perfectly clean. In actuality, it has been stripped of more moisture and indicates excessive dryness.

Some product suggestions are Ubtan face wash by Saeed Ghani, Neem Face Wash by Garnier and Tea Tree face wash by The Body Shop.


You are mistaken if you believe that moisturising is only necessary when your skin is dry. The most crucial step in basic skincare is moisturisation. This relies on the type of skin you have. While dry skin needs something richer for further nourishment, oily skin needs lighter, water-based solutions. Use hyaluronic acid-containing moisturisers. As a humectant, hyaluronic acid preserves moisture in the skin and keeps it moisturised. Skin looks healthy and young as a result.

You can eventually move to anti-ageing treatments for skin that is becoming more mature. Ideally in your mid-thirties.

The products you should try are Pond’s light moisturizer, CeraVe Moisturising Cream, and Olay Regenerist.


Dermatologists and skin care specialists cannot stress enough how important sunscreen is. This is one item that you simply should not take lightly. It reduces several skincare problems, the most prevalent of which is premature ageing if used from an early age.

Your skin is damaged by UV radiation all year round, not just in the summer or while you are outside. Always use a face and body sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Remember that if you are in an open environment, such as a beach or farm, you need to reapply every two hours. You can combine this step into one by purchasing a moisturiser that contains a substantial fraction of SPF.

Some good sunscreens you can try are Stiefel Sunblock SPF 60, Neutrogena Ultra Touch Light Sunscreen SPF 45, and Bioderma Photoderme Max SPF 50+.

Skincare Add-Ons

If you still feel like you want to do something extra, then just add the following to the 3 steps:

  • Exfoliate with a light scrub once a week to remove dead cells

  • Add a serum that you can mix with your moisturiser at night as per targeted concerns like pigmentation, dark circles, etc

  • A good facial as per your skin's requirements every two months

Above all, don’t stress. Just have fun with skincare and if you feel like mixing it up, then change your products whenever you want.

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