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Some quick tips on how to stay keep your skin calm during the cruel summer

Summer skincare is one thing but given the rising temperatures this year, we reckon we need to call in the big guns. With the outdoors feeling more like an oven, we are beginning to feel more like a chicken being slow roasted. Add to that a heavy dose of humidity and what we have is a recipe for a skin disaster. We’re talking sun burn, dehydration, hyperpigmentation, oiliness and all kinds of terrible things.

Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen

While sunscreen is a must for skincare in every season, we need it even more so in a heat wave. It should be last the stage of your day time skincare routine . Furthermore, it should also be reapplied during the day as well. Not only does SPF save your complexion but also serves to protect against the dehydrating effects of the sun. Local company Pharmahealth's Solaris sunblock is on our list of products to try,

Cleanse Properly

It is absolutely imperative that we cleanse our skin just a little bit extra during a heatwave. Double cleansing will help to refresh and clean the skin after a long hot day. Start with an oil based cleanser to dislodge excess oil, daily build-up and impurities. Next, follow up with a water-based cleanser that’s going to wash off excess sweat. Then follow up with your normal skincare routine. We swear by Ayesha O Beauty's Makeup Breakup as our first cleanser.

Scrub Gently

Given the grubbiness of the season, we often feel the need to scrub ourselves clean to feel refreshed. This can irritate the skin and set you up for terrible sun damage. Opt for a gentle, natural scrub once or twice a week. Remember, you are already double cleansing, so a scrub may not always be necessary at all. We love the gentle loving of The Speak Collective for our summer scrubbing.

Moisturise, Hydrate and Soothe

Moisturising isn’t just for the cold, winter months . We need it just as much in the summer. Use a light water based one, and bonus points if it is tinted, so you can cut down on a layer of make up. And it goes without saying that water is the best skincare solution there is! Increase your water consumption and watch your summer skin worries disappear. And if you have had a particularly bad day out, invest in an aloe vera plant for instant relief and toning on a budget.

We're still using our winter moisturiser from The Organiques.

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