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Perfumes speak for us when we enter a room. Here is a review on Lady Million Lucky by Paco Rabanne!

Lady Million Lucky is a fresh scent, with a feminine feel which comprises of a woody floral fragrance and gourmet notes. A euphoric flower in all its states which invoke a sparkling, vibrant, addictive feel with that touch of sandalwood. It's been called a rose scent, for a woman who dares.

One thing to remember is, perfume is different on everyone’s skin (the performance of every fragrance goes according to your body temperature and skin itself, varying from person to person.)

This scent has a creamy elegance to it, where you can also smell wafts of it throughout the day or night. The wear power is impressive and doesn't require you to use more than 2 or 3 spritz' on yourselves!

A scent that is instantly recognizable thanks to the minimal bottle, here is some information on it:

Notes: Top notes of damask rose, orange blossom with raspberry, mandarin and a woody creaminess: sandalwood, vanilla, cashmere wood, vetiver.

Wear Power: It lasts about 10 to 12 hours which is good enough for us!

Rating: 7 out of 10

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