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Art is the best therapy! How many times have you heard that? Too, too many times and with good reason.

Art is the best therapy!

How many times have you heard that? Too, too many times and with good reason. Art is something our nation is proud of because of the talent we have naturally inherited.

Today, The V M Gallery opened with works of art exhibited by children taught by Rukaiya O Karim which were inspired by the likes of Sadequain, Ismail Guljee, Nahid Raza, Quddus Mirza and Francis Newton Souza.

Wahab Jaffer and Sophia Balagamwala were also artists in attendance of this show!

The art exhibition is on until the 22nd of February from 11am to 7pm!

Related ItemsArtArt WorkArtistVM Art GalleryRukaiya Karim

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