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As of 26 th March, 2020, the cases in the UK have reached a total over 11,600 cases, with a death toll of 578 so ...

As of 26 th March, 2020, the cases in the UK have reached a total over 11,600 cases, with a death toll of 578 so far.

Prior to this discovery, Prince Charles, 71, had tested positive for the coronavirus, followed now by Mr. Johnson, 55, who had last met the Queen on the 11th of March and is said to have been experiencing mild symptoms over the last 24 hours, was tested on Thursday, the last day he was seen in public, thanking the NHS’ and care workers’ efforts.

“I am now self-isolating but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus. Together we will beat this” the Prime Minister tweeted a video from his home on Downing Street, reported by BBC, confirming the positive testing and his mild symptoms, revealing he will be working from home and crediting the wizardry of modern technology, encouraging people to stay home and save lives as well.

Neither Senior Advisor, Dominic Cummings nor the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, have symptoms or have been tested as they continue to practice safe social-distancing in efforts to prevent a further spike in the cases as the death-toll increased by 115. If Mr. Johnson falls seriously ill, it has been stated that Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, will become his “designated survivor” according to The Independent.

UK figures remain lower than Europe currently, but globally over 511,000 cases and 23,000 deaths have been reported by authorities and there has been a surge in the number of deaths as the Government’s second phase commences from containment to “delay” on 12 th March as the execution for the action plan to stop the spread of the virus continues.

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