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The Ali Zafar Foundation has taken the initiative of distributing to Christian and Transgender communities in society.

In a tweet posted by renowned artist, Ali Zafar, he showed the conditions on the ground as he went live on Instagram with his team who was seen distributing Rashan packages amongst a Christian community.

The cases of infected corona patients are increasing every day taking the count to over 32,000. Many celebrities have raised their voice to create awareness about the battle against Coronavirus; however, Shahid Afirdi and Ali Zafar take the lead by going all out in their Rashan Distribution campaign!

Ali Zafar had also posted a video a few days ago of a member of the transgender community, “Julie” highlighting the plight of their community and why this must be shed light on.

“We must make an inclusive society where everyone feels equally empowered and a part of the society, like a petal in a flower. Only then we can get rid of the thorns.”

The acclaimed singer and actor has stated, whose foundation has so far distributed Rashan amongst almost 3500 families so far and will continue to do so.

Related ItemsAli ZafarCovid 19corona virus pakistancharityAli Zafar FoundationRashandistributiondonate

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