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When a new boutique opened catering to just toffee, my ears, eyes and taste buds perked up!

I have a major sweet tooth - everyone knows that! So of course, when a new boutique opened catering to just toffee, my ears, eyes and taste buds perked up!

After receiving these delicious toffees as a giveaway, I was blown away - they weren't overly sweet or sticky and had an international level finesse to them overall so I was convinced they weren't locally made - until I spoke to Safina Naz, the owner.

How did the idea of starting a toffee boutique come about?

My family and friends have a major sweet tooth, and they ordered desserts like banoffee pie, cakes, chocolate eclairs from me all the time. One day I was sitting with my family and we were sharing our cravings for desserts and sweets from childhood saying how great it would be if someone makes homemade butterscotch toffees that will indulge us in enjoyable recollection of childhood toffee flavour. The next day, I decided to give it a go with trying to make butterscotch toffees, and called my family and friends over for tasting session. They all fell in love with them and encouraged me to start making them professionally.

Why just toffee? Or will you expand to more?

Toffee flavour is something we want to focus on considering there isn’t much available in the market when it comes to toffee sweets/desserts. We have recently introduced a toffee bundt cake so yes we plan to expand to more toffee based sweets/desserts.

What flavours have you created so far?

Beside authentic chewy butterscotch toffee flavour we are also making toffees in almond and pecan flavours.

Tell us a bit about the process of making a toffee, from inception to completion.

Starting with the first step of measuring out ingredients before making each toffees batch. Temperature is the key in making toffees It takes a long time to reach the right temperature, using accurate candy thermometer is a full proof way to get the right temperature for perfect texture and colour of toffees. Cooling down the batch over night to set to room temperature is the final step to get perfect chewy gooey butterscotch toffees.

What or who inspires you?

I am inspired by Julia Child! She once said: “You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients”

source: wikipedia
source: wikipedia

If you could create a confection for anyone, dead or alive who would it be and why?

I would have loved to create a confection for Zubaida Aapa. I admired her personal culinary style and handy tips to help all those working in kitchen, with her kind personality and sweet words she inspired people to cook.

What should we expect next from you?

More and more Toffee based sweets and desserts. We are introducing heart shaped toffees in “Rose Flavour” specially for Valentines. we will be offering our toffee giveaways for corporate, wedding, birthdays, valentines and all special occasion in custom made jars and boxes.

Related ItemsChocolatetoffeecandytoffee boutiquesafina naz

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