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Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah is meeting with administration to see to and establish isolation centres in Karachi.

Current Advisor to the CM of Sindh, Murad Ali Shah, on law, anti-corruption establishment and information, Murtaza Wahab, has announced via twitter, that the Chief Minister is presently meeting administrative bodies to discuss isolation centres.

As of today, he plans to oversee the existing centres as well as discuss and proceed with the establishment and organisation of more centres, which is an initiative that will be taken in other districts across the Province as well, with the situation becoming more consequential each day as the federal and provincial government continuously request lock-down and preventative measures to ensure safety.

After Sindh has reported three more deaths, its toll has reached 81, with reports of 70 cases having recovered, and 272 deaths in the country thus far. According to the Chief Minister, 287 more cases have been reported in Sindh, more than half of those from Karachi.

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