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The myths and rumours have been refuted by the WHO and health specialists about the end of COVID 19.

The uncontrolled virus has the entire world in hysterical state. Worldwide cases have surpassed an incredible 9,000,000 with loss of life arriving at 477,584. Notwithstanding, as of late, Italian specialist Alberto Zangrillo guaranteed that the COVID-19 virus is losing its intensity and may disappear altogether, but can we test this theory?

The specialist has further expressed that in all actuality, the infection clinically doesn't exist in Italy. Numerous others bolstered his investigation by guaranteeing that the infection is for sure not quite the same as the main flare-up.

However, as hopeful as the statement seems, in reality the novel coronavirus is not losing its potency. Faheem Younus, Chief of infectious diseases working at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health says:

"Myth: COVID is losing its potency. Will die down soon (on its own).

Fact: This claim is based on hope, not data. COVID went from 1-500,000 global cases in 86 days. It’s now adding 500,000 new cases every 3-4 days! Hope is not a plan. Test/trace/isolate/face-mask/hand wash is. How about we be sure about this, the infection is as yet unleashing devastation around the world. Likewise, the truth of the matter is, it presently can't seem to arrive at its top in Pakistan. Rather than clutching bogus expectation all the better we can do is result prudent steps and follow SOPs."

An examination report discovered that the number of coronavirus patients in the nation may amount to 4 million in the following two months. The fast increment in the quantity of coronavirus patients has put a question mark over authentic information inferable from absence of offices to test all possible infected cases.

A viral post on Facebook with questionable grammatical error(s), claims an alleged study conducted by World Health Organization (WHO) has found that coronavirus is losing potency and getting weaker. Several Facebook users have shared the post, which says, 'Covid-19 Losing potency. A study conducted by world health organisation (WHO) and world majer hospitals has found that covid-19 become weaker, harmles those who have been recently infected by cronavirus,symptoms shows there is no lethal the petient will suffer covid-19 easer than two months ago'

Some users have posted a purported screenshot of a WHO tweet that iterates the same message, which has been debunked by the WHO according to news reports.

As we see further in Pakistan as well, the threat of coronavirus may have lost it's potency, not the virus itself. The lockdown has become easier or non-existent on the crowd as well. The decision for opening several businesses, malls, halls etc. have already been taken and implemented. We see that the decision of opening educational institutes has become a topic of concern, waiting for the final response on 15th of July.

It is awaited to be confirmed and most of the people hope to see the virus at its edge and to end as soon as possible so they can focus on integrating into the 'new normal'.

Related ItemsHealthHealthcareNewsWHOCovid 19corona virus pakistanglobal pandemicdoctorsmedical workersFaheem Younus

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